by Reid Fitzsimons (this article was written as a Letter to the Editor of a small local paper, the Susquehanna Transcript, as a response to an earlier anti-Trump letter)
Sometimes we love too much, and sometimes we hate too much, to the point the object of our love is perfect and flawless and the object of our hate is vilified in totality. These feelings can be personal, and not infrequently political. Extremes in love and hate might feel satisfying, but too often feelings overcome reality, and make us believe and do stupid things. The June 12thissue of the Transcript contained a letter from a nonagenarian residing in Uniondale entitled Assimilate 201. It was a little difficult for me to follow, but it was clear the writer is no fan of Donald Trump, and her inaccuracies and falsehoods presented as fact, both small and significant, suggests she hates Trump a little too much.

She claims Trump called immigrants “vermin,” then segued into a predictable comparison to Hitler, mentioning that, “In case you didn't know, Hitler killed 8 million mostly educated Jewish people in large gas ovens.” It’s not a huge point, but I don’t think Hitler really cared about the educational level of the Jews he had exterminated, and for historical accuracy, the accepted Holocaust figure is 6 million. The mention of killing so many people in “large gas ovens” likewise is inaccurate: the Nazis used a variety of methods to kill Jews and other demographic groups- large ovens were typically used in concentration camps to efficiently incinerate the bodies (and perhaps hide evidence of their atrocities) after they were slaughtered. This may seem a petty point, but if someone is using historical comparison to make a political point it should be reasonably correct.
No comment. You said it!
Carole Ann Milljour
Hi Reid, great article. You really covered all aspects of the state of the nation. As always, you supply accurate information. Too bad main street media doesn’t do as well. Thank God for our conservative stations/networks.
I realize not everyone loves Donald Trump, but he certainly is the lesser of the two evils. I, personally, do like him! I know of several college educated people, history teachers no less, who hate Trump and love Biden. I know it is hard to fathom, these people apparently are Dems and don’t listen to other media sources outside of the Dem owned media platforms. They are not getting the picture or the scope of what’s really going on. After teaching about WWI and WWII and all the other great catastrophes that have plagued our nation and others along with us, you’d think they would know better than to stand with the corruption and all out evil that has plagued our country throughout the last four years and beyond. I don’t know, I don’t get it and I am glad I’m at least more aware of what’s going on and not in the same league as them.
I just wish there was something someone could do to stop the media from attacking the right with all the lies they spiel every day! What they lie about the right doing, is of course, exactly what the left has been doing right along. I hope Biden stays in the race and we get plenty of senators for the House and Senate making it a majority in Congress for conservative/republican values. We certainly do need a change for the better. We have had too many years under Obama! Biden is the biggest looser of all since he has played right into his game. Obama’s puppet! No fool like an old fool. It is elder abuse, but he loves the attention and doesn’t even know any better anyway. So sad, not just for him, but for this great nation!
Not sure who President Trump has picked for his VP, but I’m sure his decision was well thought out. We can only hope that we have an honest election this time around. I understand that some states are giving licenses to illegals so they can vote. What is wrong with those imbeciles!???? OMG, what a world. It will take a long time to straighten out this mess with the trillions in national debt and the fact that the interest alone is up in the trillions yearly. Hard to imagine, but apparently true!
Here Israel is our ally and we have been sending funds in the billions of dollars to Iran, who funds humus against Israel?!? Did you ever think that day would come. Despicable to say the least. What a national disgrace!
The good thing about what the Dems have been trying to do is that they cannot continue. Most people hate what’s going on even if they do listen to the main street hype. The left is so far out of reality that they don’t even know what they’re doing. They just jump hoops and hope for the best. The best laid plans are not something they aspire to. At least that’s how it appears to me in my estimation. The house of cards is going to fall. Things can only stay bad for so long and there are way so many more intelligent and good people out there to take the reigns and bring this nation back to reality! I can’t wait to see what happens next. If the illegals aren’t allowed to vote, I think we have it made! All I know is that good always outweighs evil and everything is in God’s own good time! We just need to continue to pray, not lose hope and be courageous! The best is yet to come, and I really do believe it will. No one can lie their way out of a paper bag forever! The truth will prevail in the end. God Bless America! Still land of the free and home of the brave! We shall persevere! In God we trust! Who is, for sure, this country's greatest ally!