Clothes Make the (Trans) Man- how the “transgender” movement debases women

It is exceedingly difficult to find objective statistical analyses of the “transgender”world because the guardians of the stats appear to be primarily advocates of “transgenderism,” which is similar to looking to tobacco companies to study the health risks of smoking. Until recently it seems the “dysphoria” was mostly males wanting to be females, but more recently the trend is increasing numbers of females yearn to be males, especially in younger age groups. Regardless, observationally the famous (and sometimes infamous) “transgender” people, the ones who garner the most attention and even celebrity, are males who want to be considered females.

Years ago I was a medical practitioner at a Federal prison hospital. Most of the convicts were assigned jobs, which included janitorial workers for the medical facility. One of our assigned cleaners was a young black guy who could have been viewed as a transsexual. He was a decent enough guy, and I vividly recall a statement he made: “I love mopping floors, it makes me feel like a woman.” Beyond the superficiality of what he said is there is something here that is actually rather profound, which cuts to a core failing of “transgenderism.” First, while it is easy (and sadly common) for a person to be dissatisfied with their life, especially in materially wealthy societies, becoming someone other than who that person is not possible, simply because no one can ever know what it’s like to be, at more than a superficial level, someone else. In other words, “I don’t like who I am, so I want to be someone else” is a goal that cannot be accomplished (and I would argue strongly is the wrong goal).

Second, as with the aforementioned prison inmate who equated being a woman with being a maid, relegating what is (and should be) a very deep thing of life- being a female in this case- to a triviality demonstrates prejudice, ignorance, and thoughtlessness. And this is exactly what we see with our celebrity (or notorious) males who claim they are females: women’s stereotypical (and often flamboyant) fashions, mannerisms, makeup, and hairstyles, as if the most meaningless aspects of femininity are what define it. This is both demeaning to women and limiting, assigning them a confining role with confining expectations.

What follows are photos of newsworthy males who claim to be females, with some explanations and commentary. First I want to mention the fading art of tolerance, and that it is detrimental for all people that tolerance is quickly being replaced by cultural tyranny. In personal and social interaction, tolerance is perhaps the highest virtue: even in the prison environment, our young inmate who enjoyed mopping floors was never, to my knowledge, treated with other than respect and dignity, because there was no reason to do otherwise: you do your thing and I’ll do mine. I may not believe you are a female in a young man’s body but I’m certainly not going to treat you poorly because of it. Likewise, please don’t demand I view you as you perceive yourself, because that is disrespectful to me.

Bruce Jenner was a world-class Olympic Champion who declared himself to be a female a number of years ago, using the name Caitlin. He seems to be a "live and let live" non-activist for whom tolerance and respect is totally deserved.
Adam Graham is a convicted rapist in Scotland, sentenced to 8 years in prison. His rape victims (2016 and 2019) were actual females, and he declared himself to be a female- Isla Bryson- during his trial. Under a recently enacted Scottish law he was entitled to serve his sentence in a female prison, but this caused a bit of a kerfuffle (to say the least), and largely resulted in the resignation of the First Minister of Scotland, a “trans” activist named Nicola Sturgeon, and Adam Graham was then remanded to a prison for men. His wife, an actual female, stated his “transgenderism” is “a sham to seek attention - and receive an easier time in jail.”
James Tubbs was convicted in his mid-20s of sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl when he was just shy of his 18th birthday. In 2021 or 2022 he began “identifying” as a female (Hannah) and was actually sentenced to serve time at a juvenile facility for girls, despite his age and the fact he repeatedly referred to himself as “he” and mocked the victim during monitored phone calls with his father. He went on to commit an impressive number of violent and sexual crimes and is currently awaiting trial for murder. Of note is that the prosecutor in the initial assault case was suspended for “misgendering” him
Sam Brinton was heralded as “history making” upon his appointment as a deputy assistant secretary to the Dept. of Energy in Jan, 2022: the first openly gender-fluid senior government official; previously he had been a long-term 2SLGBTQIA+ activist. His DoE tenure was short-lived, however, because later in 2022 he was charged with felony grand larceny for stealing luggage from airports.
William Thomas achieved national attention while, attending the Ivy League University of Pennsylvania, he declared himself to be a female and assumed the name Lia Thomas. What made this noteworthy was he was a mediocre competitive swimmer as a male, but was now allowed to compete against actual female swimmers and excelled, winning a NCAA division title in the women’s 500 meter freestyle in March 2022.
William Thomas as a female swimmer
Scott McLaughlin was convicted of raping and stabbing to death an ex-girlfriend in 2003 in Missouri and sentenced to death; he was executed earlier this year. Perhaps three years ago he declared himself to be a female and began calling himself Amber. Gender dysphoria, along with being abused as a child, was noted in an unsuccessful request for clemency.
Scott McLaughlin as Amber prior to his execution. Personally I am not a supporter of the death penalty.
Thomas Schneider completed his "transition” at the age of 38 and went on to become a superb contestant on the show Jeopardy under the name Amy Schneider.
There is a strange case in Canada involving a person who inconsistently claims he is “transgender” and goes by the name Kayla Lemieux. He was recently hired as a shop teacher and at some point (not clear if before being hired of after) he began wearing a wig and sporting massive fake breasts. Needless to say, the Canadian authoritarians supported his choices under the guise of an “inclusive” environment, and declared students taking photos of him would be suspended. More recently he was suspended, perhaps because he was spotted dressed as a regular looking guy, but that is not fully established. It’s probably reasonable to conclude this is severe attention seeking behavior, and he has been highly successful.
Bradley Manning received a great deal of attention in 2010 while, as a US Army Spec. 4 (intelligence analyst in Iraq), he was arrested for multiple counts under the Espionage Act. It was around this time he expressed his belief that he was a female (Chelsea). He was convicted and sentenced to 35 years, but his sentence was commuted by Barack Obama after serving almost seven years. Following his release, Manning earned a living through speaking engagements (Wikipedia).
Manning in Jan, 2018
Richard Levine was a child of privilege- from the affluent town of Wakefield, MA, both parents lawyers, private high school, Harvard for college, Tulane for medical school- and declared himself to be a female (Rachael) around the age of 54. In Oct. 2021 he was made the Assistant Secretary of Health in the Biden administration, which proffers the rank of a 4-star admiral and associated uniform. Contrary to what it might appear, his rank and uniform are pretend- window dressing- having nothing to do with the military.
After the onset of the corona virus pandemic in 2020 he was interviewed about corona virus related patients being sent to nursing homes (he was the Pennsylvania Secretary of Health at the time):
Griffin: How do you respond, doctor, to the conjecture that your response is jeopardizing the health and well-being of seniors by moving them into nursing facilities even if they’re no longer COVID positive, sir?
Levine: So please don’t misgender me.
Griffin: I’m so sorry.
Levine: It’s really insulting.
Griffin: I apologize. It’s not malicious. I apologize. I’m so sorry.

At the moment there is a fad, “drag-queen” story time and other interactions with children (often very young children) in schools and libraries, that is on the latest cultural must-do list. Without specific knowledge, I suspect the demographic to whom this most appeals is privileged and progressive white people, who lead white bread suburban or gentrified urban lifestyles but picture themselves as cutting edge hipsters. The grotesque parody of womanhood the “drag queen” portrays is disturbing, analogous to a drunk in a bar who is encouraged by others to do foolish things in order to momentarily be the center of attention and receive a few free drinks. Everyone has a laugh, but it is exploitative and sardonic humor at best. The drag queen of today is the blackface of yesteryear, though the cultural powers that be, whomever they are and for whatever reason, have given permission for such a demeaning carnival. Note that this spectacle is limited to “drag queens,” i.e. males dressed up in their buffoonish personification of what it is to be a woman, there are no “drag kings": a female dressed up as a guy simply lacks the titillation value.

Below are photos of various "drag queen"/child interactions. How sad and selfish that some parents-and much of society- are willing to use children as pawns for their own personal, cultural, and political validation:

2 thoughts on “Clothes Make the (Trans) Man- how the “transgender” movement debases women

  1. Alfred

    How sad for all of us. "Don't misgender me" side steps what accounts for murder, or at least gross negligence. How easy it was for "they" to side step the question. Why were our elders put at risk?

  2. Carole Ann Milljour

    Reid, your article was amazing and covered every aspect of the woke culture’s transgender movement.

    What a disgrace to manhood. What a sad display for children. Unbelievable!

    I often wore flannel shirts and blue jeans when I was a kid because I had two brothers and we played outside most of the time. I always loved dresses, but you know how parents can be. Today’s culture allows women to wear anything they want, but it is a norm for us. We don’t stand out, but sadly, you hardly ever see a woman in a dress or skirt anymore. Sometimes, but not as often as it was in the past.

    Some of those flamboyant drag queens are pretty scary looking if you ask me. I feel sad for these poor, lost souls. To wear makeup and costumes so out of the norm for anyone, male or female, as a public display for attention or whatever intention they have isn’t bad enough, but when this type of performance seeks out children, it is dangerous and evil.

    I believe that anyone is entitled to do or say or dress how they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. This obnoxious display overtakes a child’s innocence to beyond what is normal. These children are being subjected to a scary world they are too young to understand, but apparently, not too young to experience, which can leave a devastatingly unhealthy effect on their growth and state of well-being as far as I’m concerned.

    I recall a time (and probably still true) when some children were afraid of clowns. now these transgender males are scarier than any clown I’ve ever seen. It’s a wonder parents don’t realize what they are truly subjecting their children to. I’m surprised these kids don’t have nightmares. But I suppose it is because the parents are allowing it and they trust their parents. ...for the most part ...not all parents are good parents, but that’s another story!

    In August of 2016, a monument of the 10 Commandments was replaced by a statue of Baphomet. Here are a few documentations:

    “Arkansas Sen. Jason Rapert, who sponsored the 2015 bill that led to the Ten Commandments monument’s installation on Capitol property, told THV11 that he respects the right to free speech, but, “It will be a very cold day in hell before an offensive statue will be forced upon us to be permanently erected on the grounds of the Arkansas State Capitol.”

    “The statue of Baphomet can't be installed under a 2017 state law that requires legislative sponsorship for consideration of any monument. The Satanist group removed the statue later Thursday. The Ten Commandments monument at the Arkansas Capitol was sponsored by Republican Sen. Jason Rapert and installed quietly in 2017.”

    Talk about a despicable display of attention to and for evil. The only thing I noticed that shows how much concern whoever built and erected this obnoxious piece is that the girl was wearing a dress! Surprise! I guess in this case, they wanted to differentiate between a boy and a girl. Not like they’re trying to push now!

    There are no boundaries for what individuals who promote these disgusting displays will go to for whatever end result they are seeking. All in all, it is something to stand up against because it does create a multitude of problems and issues. We need to protect our young, they have no reasoning beyond what they are taught up to a certain age. Right now, they trust authority, but there will be a time when they grow up and choose how they live or sadly, for some, have been chosen to live. What kind of world will they choose or have been forced into? I don’t see this destruction as promising. We inevitably will be destroying our culture and our future if this nonsense continues. A boy is a boy; a girl is a girl. Anything beyond that scope is destruction at every level. So sad for our future generations to come if we don’t stand up against it now. This country needs prayers and strong advocates for our youth. Maybe we should start with the parents that are all for it?!? What a sad world we live in! I guess (and hope) it will only get better.... doesn't seem as if it could get much worse!


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