Dancing Around The Truth: The Timothy Walz

by Reid Fitzsimons

Once in a while you’ll see an older guy in a store wearing a hat the says Vietnam Veteran. If you do consider this for a moment, you’ll probably assume he is, indeed, a Vietnam vet. If you pause a little longer, you might imagine what a profound impact this experience must have had on him over a half century ago when he was a young man, perhaps just out of high school. I fear the significance of serving in a war is being lost on us as a society overall, relegated more to a video game mindset: The share of the U.S. population with military experience has declined, according to data from the US Census Bureau. In 1980, about 18% of U.S. adults were veterans, but that share fell to 6% in 2022.

There is a person named Tim Walz, the current governor of MN who was recently declared to be the Democrat’s candidate for Vice President. While Waltz is among the most extreme leftists in the Democrat party, he fits the bill for a slightly older non-homosexual white guy, designed to balance the ticket headed by a lady who is pretty much white but portrays herself as black, and is an equally extreme leftist. This article, however, is not to discuss the extremism of this duo and the party they represent, but to explore a specific fraud they hope will be ignored or successfully glossed over, that being Walz’s military service. It should be acknowledged without reservation that he was a member of the Army National Guard for 24 years. He retired in May 2005, and came darn close to having served honorably.

5 thoughts on “Dancing Around The Truth: The Timothy Walz

  1. worth worden

    This was one outstanding article that might be worthy of a pulitzer prize. Your article should be shared with all Americans eligible to vote this November we must find some way to make this happen.

  2. Alfred

    Again, where do you find all of these tidbits that you use in your articles. Great research! Hopefully the rest of the flock can follow your lead and spot the loony.

  3. Gregory Distad

    Thanks for your insightful article, Reid! JD Vance charges Walz with "stolen valor." I think he's right. Walz is not a man of integrity and cannot be trusted. Thanks for your service, Reid!

  4. Carole Ann Milljour

    Hi Reid, great article as per usual! Certainly a great deal of detail to say the least. I was never a history buff, but you certainly know how to pull info and format it in a way not too many people could manage to do. Congrats! ...and before forget to add this: Thank you for your service!

    I am so sick and tired of the left's lies and deceit. The media is to blame for so many citizens not knowing what is going on in our great nation! We have wolfs in sheep's clothing. Like Worth says, it is too bad we couldn't get the message out by having this. your article, out there for all to see and read.
    Too bad we don't have a sheep in wolf's clothing for a change.

    Back in the day, Churchill, Eisenhower and Roosevelt constructed the deceptive strategy of having Hitler think that an attack was coming later than actually planned and in a location other than Normandy. That's what won the war, deception. Maybe sometimes, even though it doesn't seem to be the appropriate thing to do, it might be the only strategy we might have to save our nation from communism. I don't know, just a thought that crossed my mind. I wonder how the spies back in the day masterminded their plans of espionage? Certainly a great many were found out and executed, but I'm sure many succeeded in overcoming obstacles that saved a great many more lives. (Maybe I watch too many spy movies?)

    I have so many friends who think the left is without blemish and Trump is evil. I try talking to them to no avail. They are brainwashed to say the least! One such couple told me when I approached them on the high cost of living that most countries around the world are in the same boat. Where do you go with that one other than an argument. They're older than me and in far worse physical condition, so I just told them I wasn't going to argue with them and so we ended up on a good note, they are good people after all, just delusional!

    Anyway, it is a shame that the media is such a disgrace. They're certainly in bed with the left. The Democrat engine is alive and well. Well, maybe not well! Disgusting and in my estimation, ignorant. Where do they think this is all going to end for them if the crooked left maintain power? I don't understand how come or why they don't see the writing on the wall. We would all face untold devastation. However, I still maintain that God is going to do something and it will happen when we least expect it. I have never found that things stay bad forever. I do believe there is always hope and we have to be courageous and brave! God Bless America and God Bless those who stand up for justice and the Constitution! We can't go back, we do have to go forward! ..but in a more positive and honest way, something the left doesn't care in the least about!

  5. Carl Butler

    Reid, another great article. I especially appreciate the 'insiders POV' as I never personally served in the military. In fact, I often find myself somewhat apologetic when explaining that the Viet Nam war draft ended in February of the year I turned 18 and that I never made the opportunity to serve. My dad served on Iwo Jima and five of my seven brothers also served in the military. Military service is honorable, regardless of where or how one serves. Yet the misrepresentations made by Tim Walz make me cringe at his audacity on the one hand and his disregard for his service on the other. Thank You!


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