White Diversity Kings and Black Lives Matter

Let’s see, what else? In the pursuit of “equity,” we either decriminalized actions that were heretofore clearly criminal or elected not to prosecute them- not just robbery and property crimes, but crimes of violence as well. It was decided that bail is a privilege afforded white lawbreakers, so “equity” was advanced by simply releasing criminals, who are disproportionately black, and especially young black males. Just recently a person in this demographic, Quintez Brown, a BLM activist (and, ironically, an anti-gun zealot), shot at a political candidate in Kentucky. The violence of that crime was actually enough that he was held for bail, but elite caste’s friends at BLM came up with the money to get him released. Cities where these “equity” practices have been put in place have experienced large increases in property, as well as violent, crimes, and of course the victims are disproportionately non-white people.

BLM has not just left violence and death in the wake of their demands for “social justice,” but a bit of sardonic humor. In the name of some bizarre quest for “racial justice,” over 100 volunteers at a Chicago art museum were summarily discharged due to the preponderance of  “whiteness” among them. This followed the recommendation of “consultants” from the race/diversity industry as a way to achieve racial equity, or something. Of course, the white CEO and Chairman of the Board retained their positions and privilege, which is usually part of the deal: use less powerful people to appease the angry and rarefied racialist caste while maintaining white privilege for themselves.

How about this for amusing: avowed socialist and Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors purchased four high-end homes for $3.2 million. Now she has real estate equity with the woke affluent of America; clear evicence that demanding “justice” can be profitable. Speaking of real estate, in Minnesota several realtor organizations have decreed the term “master bedroom” to be offensive and not “inclusive” and have banned its use.  Fortunately, in neighboring Wisconsin a large boulder was excavated from a college campus because 100 years ago someone referred to it using a racist epithet.

Thanks to the elite at BLM and their privileged supporters, we’ve learned that statues of Abraham Lincoln and Robert Gould Shaw are racist and must be vandalized or removed. Other things declared to be racist include arithmetic, music theory, and traditional families, the kind with mothers and fathers. The racialist elite and their wealthy sycophants have declared that, like the Christian concept of original sin, simply being white carries the stain of racism (though ironically original sin is actually inclusive of all people). Indeed, America from it’s founding to the present is to be reviled as inherently racist and we should all be ashamed, and of course keep shoveling money to the Patrisse Cullors of the world.

America is unique in world history not because it allowed slavery- pretty much every nation, society, culture throughout the globe and throughout time allowed it- but because it tore itself apart to be rid of slavery. Once free of the abomination, America could finally set itself on the path of realizing its founding principles. There is no question that for too long truly vile racists held political and cultural power, but in my lifetime (born in the late 1950s) they went from a malevolent force able to impose their hatred- and loathing of American values of equality under the law and of opportunity- to pariahs. Finally people could be judged not on the color of their skin but the content of their character. Indeed, the “white supremacist” today is fully marginalized and properly viewed as a malevolent loser.

Yet, almost as filling a vacuum, there seems to be among some a compulsion for racism: that inferior people must exist so as to permit others to feel superior. This is a gentler and kinder type of racism, a paternalistic version where the liberal white elite regards black people as hapless, helpless, and dependent, and need the guidance and beneficence of the privileged white class to make it in the world. In their view, for example, black people are incapable of obeying the law so laws must be diminished or rescinded to accommodate their innate criminal nature. Black people must be told that they should feel perpetually outraged, and are offered an ever-growing list of things, ideas, and words that should outrage them. Black people are told that they can’t compete with others in education, so standards must be lowered and tailored to allow for their intellectual failings. They are told they are incapable of going through the simple process of obtaining an ID, and that to require such a document, especially for voting, is racist. Perhaps most of all, black people are inculcated with the belief that they cannot think conceptually and abstractly, and are therefore unable to put historical and ordinary life events in any context.

There are many similarities between modern paternalistic racism and a certain class of slave owners of long ago, those that didn’t view their slaves as sub-human animals, per se, but rather as mischievous children who needed to be treated with kindness and patient indulgence, kind of like a family pet, as long as they understood their subservient place in society. I cannot imagine the insulated world of the leftist elites, and their belief in the stereotype that black people are by nature feckless and incompetent; this goes directly against my personal experience, which includes the military and many years living and doing volunteer charity work among impoverished “people of color” in Central America and Africa. “White privilege” apparently involves subtle, and sometimes overt, degradation of black people, all while chanting “diversity, equity, inclusion.” It’s truly a scam and a shame.

A reasonable and prudent person should not be surprised that BLM has proven itself not to have the benevolent and noble goal of opposing racism, but rather a “movement” steeped in corruption and greed that feeds on division and racism, real, or most commonly, fabricated. The consequences of the demands of BLM- chaos, destruction, and too often violence and death among black people and communities- is, paradoxically, fully consistent with the objectives of theoretical “white supremacists.” In a country and culture influenced by actual rational and compassionate people it would be reasonable to expect elected officials, CEO’s of massive corporations, academics, etc to acknowledge they have been seduced into abandoning traditional liberal values for a cultural fad, and disassociate from BLM and all the pernicious “diversity, equity, and inclusion” nonsense. But greed and vanity are powerful influences, and in the world of elite white privilege being part of the radical chic is too socially, psychologically, and financially rewarding: what do 1,000’s of black lives lost to violence matter when your country club existence is filled with kudos from your fellow elites. That’s what really matters.

One thought on “White Diversity Kings and Black Lives Matter

  1. Carole Ann Milljour

    Reid, I always enjoy reading your posts and I have to admit, they always bring to mind so many thoughts on the subject that it sometimes is hard to come up with the right words to express my views.
    The problem this country faces is the difference between good and evil. Most, I believe, have good intentions, but are easily led. Oftentimes you hear people put down good people because they are being brainwashed into believing otherwise.
    I watched a show on the Smithsonian station awhile ago when America was trying to incorporate black children into our school systems. It was a massive struggle, but good prevailed and segregation became a thing of the past. Now, BLM is doing its best to reverse what many individuals worked so hard to accomplish. They are using the race card to overturn those very efforts which were proven to work and brought much harmony to all races, not just black individuals, but Indian, Chinese, etc. etc., aka, the melting pot of this great nation.
    These evil perpetrators want to destroy not build up. I often wonder what they feel they will gain. Their time is limited, no one lives forever. If one lives by the sword, you often hear, they will die by the sword.
    Many of our problems today are due to the very evils you mentioned in your article, Reid. Corruption, greed, malice, hate, the list goes on and on. They have nothing to gain by any of it. They are literally destroying the lives of many and ultimately their lives as well.
    With so many great philosophers, individuals of various religious believes, men of integrity who built nations through capitalism and the desire for ultimate progress for future generations, it is sad to see what is happening to not only this great country but to our world. Tearing down statues, allowing the slaughter of the unborn,
    the threat of euthanasia in many forms, physician assisted suicides, violence without punishment, trying to defund the police, a woke society that is pathetically unwarranted, global warming threats that are not existent in the ways they would like to portray. All these criminal activists do nothing worthy of praise, only to their weak- and narrow-minded points of view among themselves.
    I don’t have a problem with anyone living their live the way they want if it doesn’t hurt anyone in the process. Like you pointed out, Reid, life doesn’t seem to matter to these individuals who would like to have everyone on their page thinking all lives do matter. In reality, it is all fantasy, they don’t care one bit.

    So, what do we do to stop this vile new revolution to destroy everything so many of us hold sacred? I think believe in God is the way to find the answers and to find peace within. We can’t change the world, but we can sure as heck pray for Divine Providence to step in and help us secure this one nation, under God! If we believe it, we can do it. If we join together, we can change the world. Too many good people have been standing on the sidelines not knowing what to do. Oftentimes afraid to take the chance. We all have a part to play, we just have to figure out what that calling is!
    I remember hearing about three solders who were held up in a ravine and knew that their comrades needed help because it appeared the enemy was going to bomb them in their location. Two of the three decided to risk it and leave their safe location while the third said he was too afraid to go because he felt they would be noticed and killed on site. Well, guess what, the two men saved the day and got everyone out safe, while the one that stayed behind got killed. So, my point of view is, we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we have to be courageous and do what we know in our hearts is the right thing to do. If we worry too much about one thing, that might never happen; it is very possible that something else can go wrong instead. So, we can’t afford to be afraid or worry needlessly, we just have to know how and when to act and Divine Providence will be sure to guide us. The only thing that can overcome evil is good! And as I know most people feel, especially today, the only way evil can exist is when good men do nothing.
    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Attributed to Edmund Burke , including by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961. Burke didn’t say it, and its earliest form was by John Stuart Mill, who said in 1867: “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
    Easier said than done, but anything is possible. “Through the Grace of God go I” ….or go we in this case!


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