The Salvation Army: Let’s Pretend To Talk About Racism (2nd article)

Sometimes there is little diversity among diversity-equity-inclusion activists

Note: The previous posting discussed the Salvation Army jumping on the “woke” train, so to speak. I sent the link to the heads of the Salvation Army administrative office closest to us, that being in Scranton, PA. I quickly received a friendly and brief reply (below at bottom) from Major Bob Schmig (they use military ranks in the Salvation Army hierarchy. Maj. Schmig offered no comment regarding the topic at hand, and I composed and sent him a follow-up e-mail/letter, which is the main text of this posting. Note that the term Pharisees is used, which defies simple definition but were basically a group of learned Jews around the time of Jesus that formed somewhat of a social/political class and emphasized adherence to the Laws of Moses and oral tradition. They tended to be privileged and numbered perhaps in the 1,000s. They received the animosity of Jesus because he perceived then as hypocrites in the “do as I say, not as I do” realm. In today’s terms, they might be referred in the political world as the Establishment, or more invectively, “the Swamp.”

Greetings Major Schmig:

Thank you for your prompt reply to my e-mail from several days ago, and I appreciate your taking the time to read my article, “The Salvation Army: Let’s Talk About Elitism.” You might have noted I mentioned a time as a volunteer medical director at a remote clinic in Kenya- this was in the early 2000’s and at the peak of the African AIDS crisis. It was a rare day in which a tragedy did not present itself, and I want to describe one so that you might better understand my perspective.

One horrible day we received word that 3 or 4 children were ill because they had eaten rotten fish that had been laced with insecticide and laid about in hopes of poisoning rabid dogs. I dispatched a vehicle but by the time it arrived all but one of the children had died. The one girl that returned, perhaps 7-years-old, was terrified, having witnessed truly miserable deaths of her younger siblings, and we couldn’t determine if she too had consumed the poisoned rotten fish. Nevertheless, though there was no protocol on how to treat such a thing, I empirically induced vomiting (if I recall) and had her drink slurry of charcoal through her tears and sobbing. Ultimately I assumed she hadn’t consumed the insecticide because I don’t think she would have survived regardless of treatment, and thankfully she was okay. Maybe you’ve witnessed and experienced similar events, but having seen so many children die during my time there, I developed a particular revulsion to children dying, perhaps especially black kids.

One thought on “The Salvation Army: Let’s Pretend To Talk About Racism (2nd article)

  1. Carole Ann Milljour

    Hi Reid, as per usual, I loved your two-part writeup and response from the Salvation Army re same. Great job!

    It always surprises me how many sheep are in this country …. a great many (not all) are being led by this new culture of hate, never looking at the fact that before the Black Lives Matter and Woke Movements, we had no problem with people’s skin color or their way of life. Their life, their choice. Their color never seemed to matter with interracial marriages, politicians, police, doctors, nurses care givers, office, store, factory, whatever, wherever… in those scenarios, race has barely been an issue. Oh yes, there are always some who just don’t like certain races no matter what, i.e., white, black, yellow, etc., etc.; but for the most part, and for years, race just didn’t matter; but all of a sudden, we experience an epidemic of hate and massive crime throughout our great nation.

    The fact that the country lost a great president to a far less than adequate one over what really appears to be voter fraud, along with the January 6th hoax blaming President Trump and his supporters when by all appearances, that was a set up by the left, appeared to be the start of this nation’s newly organized decline. There have been no proper investigations over either the election or January 6th debacle. Due to Biden’s policies, defunding the police, cancel culture, wokeness, the Black Lives Matter movement, etc. the entire country has apparently turned upside down. People hating others claiming white privilege, Black Lives Matter groups gaining money and momentum from their spread of lies and propaganda. Our Main Street media and tech companies have been bought and are in bed with the Democrats, spuing anything, not caring if it makes sense or not, literally destroying lives in their wake. …and because of all this, and the fact that people will oftentimes believe anything, they get away with it with only a few outlets to cover what’s really going on!

    What is wrong with these sad cases? People don’t think! Maybe don’t want to think and in some cases, love chaos and confusion because they seem to thrive on it. The mere fact that people all of a sudden are reacting violently towards one another; and that lies, confusion and deceit are running rampant only shows that people are not looking at this change as something that really didn’t exist prior to Biden’s election and that the woke and cancel culture, Black Lives Matter movements, etc. are less than 2 years in the making compared to what our country was prior. This only proves that people are not looking at what’s really behind all of this sudden, chaotic state we’re currently in.

    When major corporations start succumbing to these woke policies, they are only reinforcing evil. They should be standing up against these policies, not choosing to allow them to dictate how they run their business and treat their employees and customers. Bad politics breed bad outcomes. These woke movements within many organizations have literally sucked them into a dark abyss.

    Big Tech and Main Street media have a great deal to answer for once we take our nation back by the election of strong, conservative minded, republican candidates.

    Once newly elected Conservative minded politicians are in place, those left-wing, socialist/liberal/communist politicians will be called out for what they’ve done and what they’ve failed to do and who they really are. The mere fact that they have been trying to take down and destroy a great nation, advancing their destructive agendas can only lead them to their own destruction. …and it will happen! Yes, the left has a lot to loose and we have to, and will, make sure they do!

    Unlike Joe Biden who says: “We have to prepare for our future”, well I look at him and, in my mind, his future is out the door. If he cared so much about anyone’s future it would be our children and grandchildren’s’ but as his time in office has proven, he could care less! I don’t think he will be in office much longer and I wonder to myself, if Obama is in control right now (and I truly believe he is) and Biden is out, who then is he going to be able to control? … certainly not Harris or any Dem candidate that might possibly get elected (unless, of course, it's Michele? Parish that thought!) I don’t see that happening myself, but if it did, how would Obama’s game plan survive. On a good note, it wouldn’t’!

    All I can say is instead of being Woke, people need to Wake up! ….and that includes any business, organization or corporation which allows itself to be corrupted by this criminal and political, Democrat gain!


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