White Diversity Kings and Black Lives Matter

by Reid Fitzsimons (note: below are images of 12 very wealthy and powerful people who embrace "racial justice" and "diversity, equity, inclusion," yet all have a distinctive demographic quality).

The summer of 2020 was an intoxicating time for the elite and affluent: politicians, academics, celebrities, and corporate CEO’s. George Floyd had recently been killed and urban areas were filled with rioting and violence, and privileged liberals, those who lived in a world of materialism and money, could find meaning, and even adulation, in their otherwise superficial and vacuous lives. They could make grandiloquent pronouncements that they- especially those who never ventured outside their white privilege- were not just opposed to racism, but outraged by it, contrasting themselves with the ignorant masses who, whether realized or not, were all bigots and racists. Yes, the gilded members of the elite class would hop on that bandwagon, declaring Black Lives Matter! and, like the titled aristocrats and feudal lords of centuries ago, believed they could obtain salvation by words and gestures: even better than the of corrupt class of centuries ago, they didn’t actually have to pay for indulgences to pave their way to heaven. The acolytes of this new enlightenment- that America and tens of millions of its citizens were vile and disgusting racists- merely had to repeat trite and predictable slogans, and their white privilege could remain intact at no cost to them.

Going on two years later, what exactly did they get for their sophomoric and pandering rhetoric and support of BLM? First, BLM vilified the police and demanded they be “defunded.” So how did that work out? From 2019 to 2020 we witnessed the largest single increase in the murder rate in all the years it’s been recorded, about 30%, and it apparently didn’t level off in 2021. As always, a hugely disproportionate number of victims were black people and, contrary to the coveted narrative that police enjoy hunting down and killing black people, or that some nefarious “white supremacists” were responsible, the overwhelming majority of the killers were black, and they put an awful lot- 100’s- of truly innocent and beautiful black children caught in the cross-fire in the grave. A price the insulated virtue signalers were more than willing to pay for feeling warm and fuzzy and meaningful.

One thought on “White Diversity Kings and Black Lives Matter

  1. Carole Ann Milljour

    Reid, I always enjoy reading your posts and I have to admit, they always bring to mind so many thoughts on the subject that it sometimes is hard to come up with the right words to express my views.
    The problem this country faces is the difference between good and evil. Most, I believe, have good intentions, but are easily led. Oftentimes you hear people put down good people because they are being brainwashed into believing otherwise.
    I watched a show on the Smithsonian station awhile ago when America was trying to incorporate black children into our school systems. It was a massive struggle, but good prevailed and segregation became a thing of the past. Now, BLM is doing its best to reverse what many individuals worked so hard to accomplish. They are using the race card to overturn those very efforts which were proven to work and brought much harmony to all races, not just black individuals, but Indian, Chinese, etc. etc., aka, the melting pot of this great nation.
    These evil perpetrators want to destroy not build up. I often wonder what they feel they will gain. Their time is limited, no one lives forever. If one lives by the sword, you often hear, they will die by the sword.
    Many of our problems today are due to the very evils you mentioned in your article, Reid. Corruption, greed, malice, hate, the list goes on and on. They have nothing to gain by any of it. They are literally destroying the lives of many and ultimately their lives as well.
    With so many great philosophers, individuals of various religious believes, men of integrity who built nations through capitalism and the desire for ultimate progress for future generations, it is sad to see what is happening to not only this great country but to our world. Tearing down statues, allowing the slaughter of the unborn,
    the threat of euthanasia in many forms, physician assisted suicides, violence without punishment, trying to defund the police, a woke society that is pathetically unwarranted, global warming threats that are not existent in the ways they would like to portray. All these criminal activists do nothing worthy of praise, only to their weak- and narrow-minded points of view among themselves.
    I don’t have a problem with anyone living their live the way they want if it doesn’t hurt anyone in the process. Like you pointed out, Reid, life doesn’t seem to matter to these individuals who would like to have everyone on their page thinking all lives do matter. In reality, it is all fantasy, they don’t care one bit.

    So, what do we do to stop this vile new revolution to destroy everything so many of us hold sacred? I think believe in God is the way to find the answers and to find peace within. We can’t change the world, but we can sure as heck pray for Divine Providence to step in and help us secure this one nation, under God! If we believe it, we can do it. If we join together, we can change the world. Too many good people have been standing on the sidelines not knowing what to do. Oftentimes afraid to take the chance. We all have a part to play, we just have to figure out what that calling is!
    I remember hearing about three solders who were held up in a ravine and knew that their comrades needed help because it appeared the enemy was going to bomb them in their location. Two of the three decided to risk it and leave their safe location while the third said he was too afraid to go because he felt they would be noticed and killed on site. Well, guess what, the two men saved the day and got everyone out safe, while the one that stayed behind got killed. So, my point of view is, we don’t know what’s going to happen, but we have to be courageous and do what we know in our hearts is the right thing to do. If we worry too much about one thing, that might never happen; it is very possible that something else can go wrong instead. So, we can’t afford to be afraid or worry needlessly, we just have to know how and when to act and Divine Providence will be sure to guide us. The only thing that can overcome evil is good! And as I know most people feel, especially today, the only way evil can exist is when good men do nothing.
    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Attributed to Edmund Burke , including by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961. Burke didn’t say it, and its earliest form was by John Stuart Mill, who said in 1867: “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
    Easier said than done, but anything is possible. “Through the Grace of God go I” ….or go we in this case!


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