My initial post
Gutierrez is USA born and raised and as far as I know has never lived outside USA. He spent some high school years in Puerto Rico, which, of course, is part of the USA. Curiously, I have spent a number of years living and working (volunteer charity) in Central America so that I likely have better credentials, so to speak, than he does in this regard. We both learned Spanish as a second language. What always impresses me about the angry progressive mindset is the underlying belief that Hispanics are too incompetent, incapable, and stupid to improve their own countries, hence abandoning their native lands and coming to the USA is their only option; essentially a racist perspective. Never does the idea cross his mind that the true solution is to be found in the betterment of their own countries.
Julieplsekbrown first reply
How can you be so blind? Do you think any of this would be happening if Trump didn't talk the way he does? He started off his campaign stating that Mexicans were rapists. I'll never forget that moment in my life. And he has just doubled-down, tripled-down on his talk that anyone from central America is a dangerous criminal. But what is worst than Trump is how his base cheers this on. It was the cheering crowd after Trump made those statements that has bothered me the most. I have never felt so negative towards fellow Americans until I heard that. And it just keeps getting worse.
My second post
Thanks for your reply to my comment. While I often dread the words that might come from Trump's mouth (or smartphone), the inappropriate sentiments to which you referred are unrelated to the point that I am making. I might mention that a common progressive rationale in support of immigration to the US is that their native countries are filled with crime and violence, which ironically lends support to Trump's words.
How can you say it is unrelated? Because those words aren't directed to people who look like you?
Again, my point is that simply fleeing one's country does not solve the fundamental problems, but rather addressing the concerns within the country and culture is ultimately the solution. By this I don't mean throwing foreign aid money at corrupt politicians, but actions and not just words by people who claim to be so concerned and compassionate. For example, presently we (my wife and I) are putting a young man through university (engineering) in Honduras with the clearly stated intent that he is not to graduate and use his education as a means to come to the US, but rather for the betterment of his community and country. Curiously, through the magic and miracles of genetics, there are blond-haired white skinned people who live in Honduras and specifically our little village. I also have a fair amount of Africa time and I'm disinclined to the "people who look like you" way of thinking.
Julieplsekbrown (kind of a tangential comment)
Obama was tough on immigration. No one gave him hell. Why? He didn't talk about them like they were vermin we needed to exterminate. We can never have a productive debate or action on immigration with Trump. Its just too obvious his motives are racist. I would never support anything he puts forth. Do you think we would be having this conversation had you all elected someone reasonable like Kasich instead of Trump? He knows better than to talk like that. The repercussions are just too great to talk like that as an elected leader.
Julieplsekbrown (the italics are mine, and what she says pretty well speaks for itself; her statement in the following paragraph regarding burning flags is a little thoughtful, but she becomes overly dramatic, a ubiquitous progressive trait, at the end)
We cannot have a real discussion on immigration until Trump is out of office. You might sound reasonable, but if you support Trump, you are supporting a white nationalist agenda. You're just not getting it. Half my family is black. The way Trump talks has me scared for the future of my family. It makes me scared for anyone who may look like they are mexicans. You just don't understand as you are not a target.
I guess its kind of like how when we see burning of the American flag and 'death to america' chants. When I hear that kind of rhetoric and here crowds cheering wildly? No reasonable conversation can occur after that. Its chilling. It makes me feel like America is not a safe place to raise children.
Me (Julieplsekbrown did not further respond)
Sitting next to me in my living room at this very moment is a very dark-skinned young man from Kenya who I first knew in 2002-2003 as a volunteer medical director at a remotely located clinic. We brought him over here just last week on a non-immigrant F1 student visa in order to attend college, again with the firm idea he will return to Kenya to use his education to benefit his family and community. Personally I think the left uses their hatred for Trump as an excuse to do nothing other than feel outraged, as if being outraged is sufficient. You say if I support Trump I am therefore a “white nationalist.” What does it mean to support Trump? Not hate him? Personally I have mixed feelings about him, but I admit I don’t HATE him. It’s funny, my wife and I have spent significant time, effort, and money to help improve the lives and opportunities for “people of color,” but progressives who do nothing but express anger would call us racists? What hypocrisy!
Carole Ann Milljour
Truly an interesting piece Reid and as usual, job well done!
In reference to Julieplsekbrowa comments, sometimes reporters take President Trumps’ statements out of context and/or don’t include the entire text in relating the news. I’m not sure which media reported the comments he made referring to Mexicans being rapists. Surely, he never meant that to include all Mexicans, (He has Mexican friends and has and still does relate with the Mexican President regarding border issues.) just those criminals who are rapists. He does not stand for any criminal who commits rape whatever their color or nationality. He is just not that type of person. He is an honest man, who is very outspoken, and whom main street media does not have a problem using propaganda to enlarge and enrage their base against him.
I was very sad to learn that Julieplsekbrowa would base his hate towards President Trump on that one statement. I know people that say they don’t like him, but like what he is trying to accomplish. He has given credit to men and women in all walks of life and nationalities….he is not what I consider a racist. He cares about the well-being of all US Citizens. That is his first priority, but outside of that, he is a humanitarian who has done many wonderful things for a great many in need. You don’t always hear about it, but it is true! He does not take credit for a majority of his generosity. For example, as payment for his time as President, he is only taking $1 in salary because he has to…the rest he is not taking. So, literally, he is not getting paid to put up with the bashing, lies and false accounting regarding what he is trying to accomplish and what he has done! The reasoning behind that is another story completely. However, outside of Fox News, all you have to do is turn on any of the other media stations to see how often that happens.
I try to listen to both sides of the isle, but when I hear the hate speech and the slander and propaganda that this country’s citizens on the left have based their votes on, it really does sadden me even more! We deserve better. President Trump deserves better. No matter who we are and/or who we know, some people will like and respect us and others will hate and try to destroy us (badmouthing, lying, etc.); while there are those in the middle of this scenario who could care less!!!!!! Little humor there. But that happens to everyone! Doesn’t it? For the most part?
I like President Trump. I haven’t seen where anyone has done as much for this country as he has in the short time he has been in office. Do I appreciate everything he says, well, I think maybe he could choose better wording sometimes, but who am I to judge the President of the United States? He’s doing what he said he was going to do. Is he racist, mean, arrogant, greedy and/or corrupt? No, not in my estimation.
I think if Julieplsekbrowa were to give him a chance and see past his own anger for this man and maybe watch some of the Fox News media reporting, he would get a better feeling and understanding of President Trump and what he is really all about. I honestly think that if Julieplsekbrowa were to look past his current view and take advantage of that opportunity, he would be greatly surprised. One has to get an overall picture of things to get a better understanding. If all one does is listen to the main street (hate) media towards President Trump, then that is, to me, a missed opportunity.