False and Meaningless Pride

by Reid Fitzsimons

I’m a tall white guy, but I don’t have any sense of “tall pride” or “male pride” or “white pride.” I’m not ashamed to be tall or male or white because it’s just the way it is. The thing about pride is that, by definition, it is something related to accomplishment. For example, one might feel a neighborly pride because they learned the skills that allow them to help the widow next door with a plumbing problem, or do-gooder pride because they set up a fun and wholesome project for poor kids in an impoverished country. Feeling pride merely for existing is empty and meaningless, like getting an award for simply showing up and meeting minimal expectations. Really, how much pride can a male athlete, who doesn’t do well competing against fellow males, feel by declaring he’s a female and beating girls? Hopefully none.

The proud winner is Rhys McKinnon, who later changed his name to Rachael McKinnon, and again to Veronica Ivy. Apparently winning and attention is everything for this guy, even if he had to pretend to be a girl to ride to victory.

2 thoughts on “False and Meaningless Pride

  1. Alfred

    Freedom of speech is for the woke. Every one else will be silenced.
    I just saw a video where a woman politician actually says that they want to limit constitutional rights. No rights for you! Next!

  2. Carole Ann Milljour

    Hi Reid, Great article as per usual. Great comments other readers are posting as well. Finally got around to reading over this last article and you couldn't have said it better. It is a sad and bitter world when wokeness becomes a thing of the present and morals are out the door. I could hardly believe it when the Dodgers allowed those transvestites, dressed as nuns, honorable mentions. It is such as mockery of my most valued Catholic religion. I had a great aunt who was an Ursuline who belonged to the order of the Sisters of St. Joseph here in Malone, NY. She would not have stood for this. I don't know how to stop this crazy indoctrination of our youth or the disgusting displays of woke culture that is so prevalent throughout our nation right now. Sometimes all we can do is pray. Our voices seem to be on deaf ears as far as our leadership goes. The few that stand up in the House and Senate who work so hard to fight against this obscene dramatization, my heart goes out to. The struggle is on, and it is continuous. I don't know how they can sleep at night knowing what they are continually up against. Those few members need our prayers and support. The families that are being affected by this woke culture need all the support they can get as well.

    Hard to believe that this is happening, but of course, it didn't happen overnight. It's been brewing for a long time and has just gotten steadily worse.

    I totally agree with your comments on the indoctrination of our youth. It is pretty pathetic that parents don't oftentimes have a clue as to what goes on in their children's classrooms and what those administrators are doing to these innocents. There is hell to pay for those who perpetrate this pathetic and obscene practice of gender mutilation. Oh my God, bad enough we have abortion that has killed and continues to kill the unborn, we have to deal with children's sex changes when they barely know how to reason if they even know at all at the age they are being subjected to this barbaric and insane cruelty.

    I'm certain like you say, most gay and lesbian individuals just want to be left alone to live their lives like everyone else in this country wants and is entitled to. It's not a majority who wants to create all this devastation, but probably far less than one realizes; unfortunately, however, it is the business world who opens their doors to it that is giving fuel to this disgusting fire that's raging to destroy the very fabric our nation was built upon.

    No matter how bad things get, there will always be those individuals who fight against it, we just need more individuals to open their eyes and not be so complacent. We all have our part to play in overcoming these evils. It is not just something a few should be involved in, but everyone who doesn't' agree or abide by it. Let's hope more eyes are open and more people get out of their comfort zone and stand up with the few who seem brave enough to do it.


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