The 1970s was the beginning of “coming out” of homosexuals as related to society, and they had an understandable and convincing argument addressed to gay bashers individually and the culture as a whole, that can be summarized as follows: “Why are you hassling me? I don’t attack you for the way you live your life, so why do you attack me? I don’t demand anything of you other than simply let me live my life the way I choose.” No one has to “embrace and celebrate” homosexuality to agree with this, it simply requires a levelheaded and compassionate mind and a belief in basic American (and conservative) values: tolerance and mutual respect. How awful that the descendants of these reasonable people have so completely contorted and denigrated their message.
The teachings of Martin Luther King, advocating for the of dignity for all and admonishing people be judged on their character, not their skin color, were usurped by selfish and hate-filled demands of the the elite class that black people be relegated and diminished to helpless and hapless victims deserving of special favors, like a treat given to a pet, due solely to skin color. Similarly, the philosophy of tolerance from the 1970s has been perverted by the LGBTQIA+ “pride” cult, which has become an oppressive secular theocracy masquerading as a “social justice” movement, with demands for obeisance to the doctrine, recitation of the catechism, and submission to the symbolism
To run afoul of the cult evokes fear in many, and to remain in good graces requires certain behaviors and responses. Adult males riding bicycles naked in front of kids must be found enchanting. Invocations of “We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming after your children!” during pride parades must be met with a nod and a smile. When an emotionally troubled adolescent girl has her breasts amputated you best put out a yard sign that states, “Trans Rights Are Human Rights”- the LGBTQIA+ religion is not for the squeamish! When the pride parade float featuring guys in bondage attire and bare buttocks pass by you should feel titillated. Drag queens wearing fabulous fashions and otherwise demeaning womanhood should evoke a satisfying excitement. And, of course, when a male athlete sets new records in the women’s competition, you better be cheering wildly. The cult allows for no disagreement, and rarely forgives.
Public institutions (such as libraries) should not advocate for any particular political, religious, or cultural ideology. I’m not a Christian, for example, but even if I were I would object to a government building being fully adorned with crosses or pictures of Jesus. The same goes for “pride” totems. While it’s ridiculous and adolescent to claim “We are committed to making everyone feel welcome,” it is reasonable to not overtly, and even intentionally, make segments of the public feel unwelcome. Would anyone really notice if a space was not festooned with rainbow symbolism. If anyone complained it wouldn’t be a person concerned with “justice,” but a petty and selfish fascist.
As much as I’ve come to loathe “pride” month and all the associated rainbow pageantry, a part of me sees a pitiable sadness in the “pride” activists. On one hand it’s very shallow: to be “proud” because some guy has sex with other guys is like a privileged and arrogant college boy who’s proud of the sports car, exotic vacations, and all the hi-tech gadgets his wealthy father buys him. But darker than that, it’s the profound need to be accepted- and adored- by everyone else because self-acceptance is elusive. To have one’s very concept of self based on extrinsic approbation of others must be terribly lonely and morose. Unfortunately, this has led too many people to demand of others, and society, what they cannot find in themselves. True pride is about accomplishment and at times personal sacrifice, rainbow pride is about selfishness and hedonism. In other words, it has nothing to do with actual pride, just self-interest and a craving to fill a personal emptiness.